That;s me in the middle

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Lakeside Community Garden News
This information is clipped from the West Shore Happenings, courtesy of Dan Benesch.
1) Fall Gleanings of local fruit. This Saturday, Noon – 1:30 PM.
The community garden will again be hosting a fruit gleaning this Saturday the 11th, from noon to 1:30. Afterwards we will be making cider, and you can join in on that also. We anticipate harvesting several hundred pounds of apples, pears, plums, and perhaps some grapes. Keep what you pick. Meet at the garden at 11:50. (In front of the Baptist Church, just up the hill from the Homestead CafĂ©). We will furnish the harvesting tools, you should bring your own containers. You are heartily encouraged to join in on this family friendly activity. We head out promptly at noon, so don’t arrive late.
2) Cider Making Party.
Every year in the fall the community garden gleaners take the excess apples and pears to Tom Carlson’s house and turn them into cider. The first pressing of the season is this Saturday at 2:00PM (Right after the gleaning.) We meet at the garden and go from there. Please bring jugs and bottles.
3) Community Garden Fall Work Day. 10 AM – Noon
It is that time of the year again. Would you like to take part in a community service project for two hours, help make the community garden a better place, and meet some of your neighbors? Join us this Saturday from 10 AM to Noon as we winterize the garden. If you have some cordless tools, bring them and fresh batteries please.
4) Farmers Market / Honors Market for Lakeside Being Proposed.
It is fall and there is a lot of surplus fruit on the trees. Preparations are underway to create a brief local Honors Market. (A Farmer’s Market based on the honor system.) The proposed market allows locals to set up a table by the side of the road with some of their excess produce and a hand lettered sign telling the price. They attach a coffee can or lock box to the table so customers can put the money in it and walk away for a few hours. It works because the fruit and money are rarely stolen, (and if someone needs the food and a few bucks so badly that they have to steal it from a roadside fruit stand, well, God love them and help them put it to good use.)
This could be a fun and uplifting declaration of the kinds of values we strive to reinforce in our community. We encourage you to have your kids set up a table in your front yard or, when we have it set up, down at the “Honors Market”, at the storage yard in mid-town on Hwy 93. The Lakeside Community Garden will set it up for one or two Saturdays in October, but nothing prevents you from setting it up there on your own on other days. (Note: This is for produce only. If you want to have a yard sale there you need to get permission from the owner.)
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