That;s me in the middle

That;s me in the middle

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Political Stalker to Pretend Fundraise at Crossroads Christian Church

Bigfork resident General Paul Valley is a master at employing his vast  "Special Operations, Psychological and Civil-Military Operations" experience to channel all the latest hype, tripe and right wing outrage to keep the the local yokels stirred up and feeling like good old patriotic heroes.  General Valley's Psy Ops were effective enough to get the Daily Interlake to provide major coverage for a Bengazi skit and ignore a packed meeting of local people with Agent Orange related illnesses last year.

This guy is slick, as well as politically connected to local power brokers like  Dee Kirk-Boon of the Lakeside-Somers Chamber of Commerce where business is conducted at the Vista Linda Restaurant because, Mark Blasdel.  The Daily Interlake notes that Tickets cost $20 per adult or $5 for those 18 and under to witness the puppet O'Keefe regale them with  tales of his many lawbreaking hi-jinks in service of keeping their Bogey men alive.

Valley is a genius to let the audience feel like their twenty spot helps the cause as they whip and  twist the scandals Du Jour until they climax in a pseudo patriotic frenzy  with an over riding desire to elect the Koch, Wilkes and AFP front men to the Montana State house once again. Please take my hypothesis with a grain of salt, as The Intercept's Jon Schwarz predicts that the Koch Brothers will Pour All Their Money Into Making Bernie Sanders President.


post has been updated with a pic from a Benhgazi Porn search 09-11-15 and a pic from an evil jpg search


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bigfork is a great place to live, ( as long as u don't talk to the locals ) but lately we have been over run with crazies.
