That;s me in the middle

That;s me in the middle

Friday, October 31, 2014

Call to Action

This letter was written by the cutie standing next to me in the picture at the top of this blog, and she managed to get it published in almost every paper in the state!

On the 100th anniversary of Montana women’s right to vote, everyone’s right to vote is at stake in the 2014 election! Few Montanans can compete with $10,000 to $425,000 donations.

Daily, corporate fundraisers are the newest fad in Washington, D.C., thanks to fewer anti-corruption rules. Only 28% of Ryan Zinke’s donations and 33% of Steve Daine’s donations come from Montanans compared to 70% of John Lewis’s funds. Zinke’s recent fundraiser cost $10,000/couple with John Boehner who leads the most unpopular U.S. Congress ever, with only a 10% approval rating. Steve Daines collected $425,000 from a Wall Street billionaire and his vulture capitalists who profit from failure.

Your vote is extremely important in 2014!

In 2012, the conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices, many whom were nominated with a religious promise to strike down a woman's right to vote in her own reproduction, struck down Montana's 1912 Corrupt Practices Act, now diminishing all US citizens’ right to vote in elections.

As a result, in 2012, 75% of Montanans voted for a referendum directing Montana's two U.S. Senators and one U.S. Congressman to create a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to stop unlimited corporate money from buying elections, echoing our 1912 referendum. In September 2014, Republican U.S. Senators blocked this bill.

Can you afford to buy politicians?

To preserve the power of the vote, vote for intelligent, 35 year old, math teacher Amanda Curtis to be Montana’s first female U.S. Senator! Stop voting for the most unpopular U.S. Congress ever, vote for John Lewis for U.S. House!

Use this letter to get your community to vote Amanda Curtis and John Lewis starting October 6th at your county courthouse!

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