That;s me in the middle

That;s me in the middle

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Our New Farming & Ranching Expert

Surprise- it's Scott Reichner! Although I have been to attended a number of water meetings over the years, I don't recall seeing Scott Reichner at any of them; definitely not at the informational meeting in September. Despite not showing up to listen to the people that have put a massive amount of time and money into the process had a very successful PR push for a small new non profit that is dead set to overturn and disrupt the carefully crafted agreements  that have already been reached.

 Rumor has it that Keith Regier is talking lawsuits -like 55 million dollars worth of lawsuits -to prevent the water compact from going through.

Reichner's new non-profit boasts hundreds of supporters and lists them by first name and last initial! New hires Eric Whitney and Steve Jess  at Montana Public Radio appear to believe that Reichner is the real deal. I recommend that you read the work of Laura Lundquist at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle instead.

 Unlike Reichner's group, Montana Water Stewards- a non partisan group- formed in 2013  for the express purpose of educating the public about the compact and they have earned credibility. Read the back story here.

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